Date Check Pro - Mobile VersionReportsFull ReportsHow does the All Expired Report Work?

How does the All Expired Report Work?

The All Expired Report is a listing off all items that were pulled as expired and included everything on the shelf.  The program knows this is the case because when it asked for the next date, the Date Checkers marked it as Out of Stock.

The goal of this report is to show you the items that are likely slower movers for you, which is why everything on the shelf is expired.  This results in a hole on the shelf where that item was, and if it is truly a slower mover that needs to be discontinued, you want that information to get to your ordering team before they make that reordering decision.

The steps below show you how to get to the All Expired Report. You start by selecting the three line menu button to bring up the full menu.

Once you have brought up the side menu, click on Reports. It should be the second option below Spot Check.

Once you click Reports, it will bring up a list of all available reports. Select the All Expired report.

Once you click on that Report, you will get the view that you see below.  You will also want to note that you can click the columns titled Units Lost, Total Lost (Dollars), or date to rank them from low to high or high to low.

Additionally, this report can be automatically sent to you on a daily basis.  All you need to do is select it from the list on the bottom of your user profile page.