Date Check Pro - Mobile VersionReportsFull ReportsHow does the Repeat Out of Stocks Report Work?

How does the Repeat Out of Stocks Report Work?

The Repeat Out of Stocks Report is designed to show you items that have been marked Out of Stock in Date Check Pro multiple times.  If this is happening, this means that an item has not been carried in your store for at least the period of time you see on the report.

Common causes of lengthy out of stocks can include displays blocking the hole on the shelf, or an item being "Faced Over," or having too much of the item next to it ordered and being merchandised over that shelf tag.  This is something that is usually caught by Date Checkers looking at specific items on the shelf, and specifically bringing it to this report is designed to help your store know which items are inadvertently getting missed during the ordering process.

To access the Repeat Out of Stocks report, you start by selecting the three line menu button to bring up the full menu.

Once you have brought up the side menu, click on Reports. It should be the second option below Spot Check.

Once you click Reports, it will bring up a list of all available reports. Select the Repeat Out of Stocks report.

This will bring you to the following report.