Date Check Pro - Mobile VersionReportsFull ReportsHow does the Top Expired Report Work?

How does the Top Expired Report Work?

The Top Expired Report is designed to show you your highest expired counts, regardless of whether the items were marked down or not if you are using a combination of rotation and marked down items.

Aside from being able to sort by item count and dollars lost if you have values imported into the program, Date Check Pro will also look at your movement data to estimate how much of that product would have sold in the selected time period.  The last column that you see is the shrink percentage, or what percentage of those sales were lost to expired items.  If its over 100%, that means you have lost more in expired product than you have had in projected sales for that item.  This is designed to help you see the items in your store that are a bigger cost to your business and should be considered for getting discontinued.

The path to access the Top Expired Report is shown below. You start by selecting the three line menu button to bring up the full menu.

Once you have brought up the side menu, click on Reports. It should be the second option below Spot Check.

Once you click Reports, it will bring up a list of all available reports.  Select the Top Expired report.

Below is the view that you will see for the Top Expired Report.  Keep in mind that every item that you see can be clicked upon to expand and show you all of the instances that have contributed to that total.  If you are a team member who is able to see multiple stores, this expanded view will also indicate the different stores that have had this item expire.

Every column is filterable, so you can use that to view your highest loss items by either units, dollars, or the shrink percentage.  We believe the shrink percentage is going to be especially helpful in identifying items that are a true loss for you store.  However, keep in mind that the movement data is a rolling number that gets sent to Date Check Pro and is not constantly linked to your POS system.  This number could be fluctuating, so you will want to double check true movement numbers to be confident in the decision to discontinue certain items.