Date Check Pro - Mobile VersionReportsFull ReportsWhat is the Marked Down/Expired Report?

What is the Marked Down/Expired Report?

The Marked Down/Expired Report is the main report that shows all of the results of the program on a UPC basis.  It shows how many items were marked down or rotated by UPC, as well as how many of those units wound up expiring or being sold.  This is the main data set in Date Check Pro and can be viewed in a wide variety of different ways to improve your store.

To access the Marked Down/Expired report, you start by selecting the three line menu button to bring up the full menu.

Once you have brought up the side menu, click on Reports. It should be the second option below Spot Check.

Once you click Reports, it will bring up a list of all available reports. On this menu, click the Marked Down/Expired link.

Once you have clicked on the link shown above, you will see the view that you see below.  Its important to note that every item that you see can be clicked on and expanded.  This will show you all of the instances that add up to the totals that you see for every item.  

You can also filter by any of the columns to show the totals from high to low or low to high.  By default, the program is showing High to Low for the amount of rotated items for each SKU.  If you click on any of the top boxes it will start with high to low, and then go low to high for that column.

This report can also be reached by a link on the Dashboard screen.