How do we decide on item locations?

Date Check Pro organizes the items in your store that need to be checked into different sections.  When you are implementing the program, you need to have a plan in place for how your store will be organized and how items will be sorted in the program.

For most of our customers, items are organized by four-foot shelving units.  If you already have a location plan in place where you can identify where items are located, we recommend using that.  It will make the process of finding items easier for employees as they are already used to that system.  

If not, we recommend using Ls and Rs to identify which side of the aisle items are on, and then counting up from 01 for each section.  Thus, as an example, the fifth section down from the front of the store on the right side would be R05.  To see a visual representation of this, look below.

Aisles can be identified in any way that you wish, so while most grocery aisles are numbered and will just use those numbers, you can also create other aisles.  The best examples for this include creating a "D" aisle for your dairy department, and then just counting each section as 01, 02, 03, and so on moving in one direction.  It is also common to create an "M" aisle for your processed meat items if they are not merchandised in an aisle.