How do I use the Store Overlay scan?

In order to use the Store Overlay function, you are going to want to be able to use a bluetooth barcode scanner to quickly enter those into the program.  If you do not have a bluetooth barcode scanner, contact the Date Check Pro team at 262-458-2470 ext 2 or [email protected] and we will help get you setup with one.

Once you do have a scanner, we recommend visiting the page "How do I connect my bluetooth scanner?" to get it connected to your iPad.  Once it is, follow the steps below to get to the Overlay Scan Screen.

Once you are on the Overlay Scan screen and the button is highlighted in red like you see above, you are ready to start getting the various fields setup to begin scanning.  You might want to review How do we decide on item locations? to make sure you know how to setup the Aisle and Section boxes.  You can also include the shelf number if you prefer, but this is not required.

You should see the list of all available departments for your store/company when you click the drop down menu.  Be sure to look at all of the departments and make sure items are being included in the correct one, including sub departments (for example, yogurt usually has its own department separate from other dairy items).  For the purposes of the example, we are going to select Grocery.

Once your department is selected, you can now type in the Aisle that you are in into the corresponding field.  The program automatically sorts numbers, so aisle 2 doesn't require a 02 to come before aisle 10.  Aisles also do not have to be numbers, so if your Dairy and/or Meat sections are on the back or side walls of your store, you can have Aisle D or M to represent those sections.

Now that you have your Aisle set, you can input your section.  Usually this is some kind of numbering scheme that goes L01, L02, L03 for each respective section on the left side of the aisle and R01, R02, and R03 for each four-foot section on the right (and so on until the end of the aisle).

Once you have the Department, Aisle, and Section identified, you can enter the shelf information if you want by filling in the Shelf field.  Not everyone uses this field, so you can include it if you want to spend the time, but it isn't necessary.

Once you have established your location in the store, you will want to begin scanning in items through the UPC field.  The scanner will automatically submit the UPC once the product has been scanned, so if you hear a beep from the iPad and the UPC field clears and the page remains the same, you have successfully entered the item.

If the item is not at another store or there is no date for the program to pull, you will get the screen that you see below.  In this example we have an item that is completely new to the system and is also lacking the item description.  If those fields are already filled in when this screen pops up for you, you can skip that step.

If an item is new, the Product Description and Size fields will both be empty and you should fill them both out.  If the Date Check Pro database already has that item in the system from another store or company, then those fields will be filled out and all you need to do is type in the next closest expiration date before hitting Add Product.

If you find product that is expired when you are on the page requiring you to enter the date, or the product is out of stock (potentially both, being all expired can cause the product to be out of stock), you will select the respective box before hitting submit.  If you hit expired, you will also need to enter the item count.

Keep in mind that you can select both Expired and Out of Stock, and if you select Out of Stock the program will not require you to enter an expiration date and you can simply hit Add Product.

Both of these options are also available on the initial screen, so depending on when you discover the need to enter that information you can still get it entered.