What is the Store Overlay Scan?

The Store Overlay scan is a faster method for setting up a store (or new departments/sections) on Date Check Pro.  When using the Store Overlay scan, the program simply looks at whether or not an item that you enter has a date at one of the other stores in your company.  If it does not, it will ask you for the closest date on the shelf.  If it does, however, the program will automatically assign the closest date from the options at other stores to the item you just scanned in the location you have picked.  

This process allows you to rapidly scan items with a barcode scanner and get them entered into Date Check Pro.   While you can enter hundreds of items per hour, the drawback of this method is that you are missing expired products when the store is setup, leaving them on the shelf.

If you are interested in using this method or have questions about the process, we recommend emailing us at [email protected] or giving us a call at 262-458-2470 ext 2.  We will be happy to walk through the steps that need to be taken to make this an option for you.