How do I use the Store Reset function?

The Store Reset function is designed to help you quickly and efficiently update item locations in Date Check Pro.  This can be the result of the store moving items around in a true reset, or just periodically using the process to catch new items that have been brought into the store.  While this process looks similar to an Overlay Scan, they are different in what they are trying to achieve.  A Store Reset only looks at the current store that you are in to see if an item is in the system, and will move it to the new location you have set when it is scanned.  The Overlay Scan is grabbing dates from other stores to speed up the implementation process.

In order to access the Store Reset function, it must be turned on for your account in the program.  If you do not see the Store Reset option as shown in the steps below, you will need to contact your Date Check Pro administrator for your store or company.  The Date Check Pro team can also assist you if you call 262-458-2470 ext 2 or email [email protected].

In order to do this process, you will want to Connect a Bluetooth scanner in order to quickly enter the UPCs into the UPC field..

To get to the Store Reset, you start by selecting the three line menu button to bring up the full menu.

Once you are on the store reset page, you will want to select your department and location.  If you have questions about how the location (Aisle, Section, and Shelf) scheme should work for your store, we recommend checking out How Do Item Locations Work? from our Knowledge Base.  Once you know what your department, aisle, and section are supposed to be, fill those fields out.

Once you have entered your location information, you are ready to start scanning.  Move your cursor down to the UPC field and scan your first item in that section.  If the device beeps (app version only), and the UPC field clears, that means that the item was successfully moved and you can move onto the next item.

When scanning, we recommend picking a system and going with it so you can make sure you always get every item.  For example, always start with the upper left item and move across the row and then drop down to the next shelf, forming a snake pattern as you go.  Or always move left to right, or vice versa.  Its easiest to just be consistent to make sure you don't miss items or rows if you get interrupted.

As you are scanning, if you find inventory that is out of stock or expired, you can check the respective box before scanning the product.  If you check the expired box, just be sure to enter the count of how many items were expired.  Its also possible that you will find every item on the shelf is expired, in which case you will just check both boxes.  In order, the pictures show what to do if inventory is expired, if its out of stock, or both.

Be mindful: this boxes must be ticked before you scan the item

Additionally, you are going to encounter items that either do not have a date in the program currently, or possibly don't have a description either.  The screenshots below will walk you through those different options.

The first thing you will want to check is to make sure that the item you scanned has a description in the program. If it does not, the fields below will be blank.  Before you proceed to do anything else, make sure you enter those first.  We recommend entering the information directly from the product so it will best help you (or another date checker) identify that product when it next comes up to check.

Once you have entered the product information, or if the information is already there, you should enter the next closest date for that product on the keypad to the right.  Once that is done, select Add Product at the bottom of the screen to continue.

Once you add the additional information required in these last few screens when necessary, the program will take you back to the original screen and you can scan your next item.