What do I do when an item has no date?

There are two instances that we see that can cause you to wonder about this question.  Number 1 is when there is one product that is missing a date while others on the shelf do have a date, and number 2 is where an entire product line does not have a date.  You can find the answers for each below.

1)  While different companies have different policies regarding what to do with undated items, we recommend using your best judgement and looking at the items around the item in question to figure out what the most likely date was.  Machines sometimes do not print correctly, which can leave an item without the printed date on it.  If every other item on the shelf has the same date, the item with the missing date is most likely the same date as well.  If there are a variety of dates on the shelf, use your best judgement based on what was around the item to guess which date the item would have and make the corresponding decision (whether to pull, rotate, etc.) based on that date.

2)  If you check multiple items and none of the products for a specific UPC have an expiration date on them, you should discontinue the product from Date Check Pro.  Usually products that fall in this category have a lot code or julian date on them, and just aren't readable.  Because there is nothing we can do to determine the date that an item expires, we need to mark this item so it no longer comes up on check lists.  

Once you have the item selected, click on the Edit button.

On the new screen select Flag No Expiration Date.

The next screen will ask you to verify if there is no expiration date.