How do I check expired items?

The first step to checking expired items is to make sure that the Expired Items box in the upper left hand corner is checked.

Once you have that selected, you can pick your first item in the program.  To do that, just click on the item in Date Check Pro once you have found it on the shelf.  

Date Check Pro will let you know which date you are looking for on the shelf.

Once you have searched the shelf and checked the date of every item, you can answer yes or no for whether or not the item is there.

If you answer no, the program will skip to the add the next date screen, shown below.

If there are no products left on the shelf, you should select the Out of Stock option shown below.

If the item is not on the shelf and is no longer going to be sold at the store (usually indicated on the shelf tag or by there no longer being a shelf tag), you should hit the discontinued button.

If there is product on the shelf, enter the next closest date and hit submit.  You don't need to worry about later dates when there are multiple, because you want to come back the next time this item could be an issue.

 If you answer yes, the program will ask for how many items you found, which is what you see directly below.

After you type a number and hit the submit button, you will see the following screen.

Once you have hit submit, the program will take you to the process above where it asks for the next closes date.  Following that being finished, you will be returned to the view of all items that need to be checked.