Date Check Pro - Mobile VersionMiscellaneousMark Down ProcessesWhat are our options to move close dated items?

What are our options to move close dated items?

There are three basic options that stores have to move items, and we have highlighted those and their benefits below.  If you would like to change your settings, we recommend contacting the Date Check Pro team to make sure that Date Check Pro is updated properly and the store has all of the necessary tools to be successful through your transition.

Rotating Items - A common way to try and sell close dated merchandise is to simply place items on the front of the shelf and sell them at full price.  While this doesn't gain the additional sales usually generated by marking items down, you do still get your full margin on those items.

Marked Down Items - Another option when you are leaving items on the shelf is to mark them down.  We highly recommend individual coupons for specific close dated its as opposed to a TPR (Temporary Price Reduction) for everything on the shelf.  TPRs are much more time consuming, and also can cause you to sell items that are not close dated at that marked down price, something that coupons help you avoid.

Marked Down Area - Some stores already have a marked down area for close dated or damaged items.  If this is the case for you, its a great candidate for where to try and sell your close dated items.  If not this can still be a great way to move close dated items if you think your shoppers will traffic the area and purchase those items.

Donation and Tax Deduction - Food pantries make excellent partners for your short dated and expired products. Establishing a relationship with a local food pantry, and donating unsold short date and expired product will allow you to recoup some of the loss through tax deductions. New laws allow retailers to claim as much as cost+50% of margin on donated items. For help setting up a donation program, and maximizing your tax-deductible return, contact the Date Check Pro team by phone or by email at [email protected].